My life and health, inside and out have both really improved in the last couple of years. I quit drinking and smoking the occasional cigar and I have even started to really eat healthy, meaning more organic and a lot less processed and toxic foods. I know, I know, I am a fitness trainer, I shouldn’t have to wrestle with addictions, anxiety, low self-esteem, and bad eating habits. But I do. Just like you and everyone else….I am human and I have my own set of struggles and skeletons! Honestly, there is a part of me that is grateful for my trials and tribulations of late, it has really given me a chance to look inside myself, do some cleaning of the self loathing, and get honest with myself and get really healthy, inside and out. I’m seeking and finding true peace of mind and happiness! With that, comes better skin, less stress, less constipation, healthier hair and nails, more energy, improved sleep and finally, my healthy weight.
Health shows up in different areas of our lives. The obvious is the way we look and feel. I found that once I started taking care of myself and began to replace my bad habits with good ones, it wasn’t as hard to remain on a more positive path. Health is emotional as well. I had a jarring wake-up call the other day when a really good friend of mine spoke to me extremely disrespectfully. I realized they were in grief and were going through their own issues. However, it was in my reaction that I noticed that my health had improved. Initially, I got very upset, felt sick to my stomach, wanted to drink, smoke, eat chips and retaliate with some disrespectful comments of my own! But I didn’t, I sat down, took some deep breathes and walked over to a friends house. She made me fresh pressed coffee (hallelujah!) and we chatted about children and yummy snacks and enjoyed some friends and family well into the evening. Good times. I had let the negative events prior to the visit go. Didn’t even think about them until I returned home, then I slept terrible and thought about it often but still did not participate in any negative activity. I realized the next day that I was achieving a better state of mind and an improved habit of how I take care of myself. Although I have not resolved the issue, I have not lost my point.
In conclusion….when we truly aspire to take care of ourselves, and we decide consciously, what we put into our bodies and allow into our minds and souls, then, and only then will we achieve true health, inside and out.