My Diet until Thanksgiving – Week 1 (Weigh-in) I Lost 3.4 lbs! I admit, I was surprised. I didn’t suffer that much after the 3rd day. I was hungry at times, but I would eat nuts, make a shake with fresh greens or fruit. Keeping myself busy, was my main survival mechanism.
I love Crossfit! I have swallowed the kool-aid, or should I say kill-aid over a year ago, and I am hooked! So, on Monday, Weds. and Fri. I ventured off to my favorite xfit gym ( The kids were off on Tuesday so I did my own workout, check it out ( I enjoy riding bike, but I only was able to ride a few times this week. Stay as active and busy as possible, that is the bottom line. I even cleaned my house and did an at-home manicure and pedicure and whitened my teeth. Anything to keep food OUT of mouth!!
As for nutrition, I wasn’t ready to go on my own schedule suggested in my April blog ( Too strict, I didn’t want to set myself up for failure. I will try this week. Just being honest. I did eat almost every 2 hours. I did eat a lot of yummy salads. Out and at home. I did drink a lot of shakes (breakfast and snacks). I did eat lunch and dinner and I enjoyed 2 days without any meat. I did use my girlfriends recipe for Alfredo ( on Monday night with Chicken and Organic wheat pasta and fresh parmigiana cheese. Delicious! I did lose 3.4 lbs! Yippee, great start.